ZeroFit Base Layers Review

Zerofit Ultimate Lives Up to Its Name
Are you someone who will fight through 40 degree (or below) temperatures in the winter just to get in that full 18 holes? Yeah, me too. Well, let me paint a picture for you that I find all too common – you show up at the course hoping for the best only to find a lengthy frost delay. It will still be under 40 degrees when you tee off and you need to find some way to keep warm. Grab your winter hat? Yup. Buy a coffee to hold for the first few holes? Probably. Toss a few hand warmer packets in your pockets? Likely. Make sure you have your Zerofit Heat Rub Ultimate on? Always. The Zerofit Heat Rub Ultimate offerings have continually exceeded my expectations over the last 12 months, and it is always ready to go when the mercury drops.

This isn’t our first look into the products from Zerofit. Last year, THP reviewed the Heat Rub Ultimate and Heat Rub Move base layers (take a look here) and I was floored by how comfortable the Ultimate fabric was and how unique the fabric felt. This year, Zerofit sent its latest products from its expanding product line, which now features several different base layers, a hoodie, a neck warmer, and leggings. This year THP received the Zerofit Move, the Zerofit Ultimate in both mock and crew necks, and the Zerofit Ultimate leggings.
Although the company is still new to the United States market, it is a name that should gain traction for putting out quality, high performing goods. I know I have recommended it to numerous golfers and honestly, I make these recommendations without any hesitation. Building on a successful initial offering, this year Zerofit has made great strides to add more diversity (and even some color) into its product offerings.

Zerofit Heat Rub Ultimate and Move
I typically do not hide my excitement for the Zerofit Ultimate line – it continues to be the best cold weather gear I’ve owned, and it has consistently beat every challenger for that title. Best of all, it delivers the warmth without the bulk that others typically require for the same warmth. The unique fabric has changed just a little this year (68% acrylic, 21% nylon, 7% wool, 2% polyester and 2% polyurethane) and the fit has drastically improved. The struggle to keep the base layer from riding up has not been an issue with either the crew or mock neck base layer. Plus, the addition of color (grey, black, or red) is a nice touch for those interested in matching base layers to your outfit. Most importantly, the form fitting, immensely comfortable base layers are very, very warm even in the coldest temperatures.
New this year to the Ultimate line, and easily my favorite addition to the closet, are the Zerofit Ultimate “leggings.” Don’t let the name turn you off to what are some of the best long underwear that I’ve worn. The fabric is largely the same as the base layer (68% acrylic, 22% nylon, 7% wool, 1% polyester and 2% polyurethane), and it provides the same incredible comfort. Best of all, wearing the leggings under normal golf pants proves very, very warm. In fact, I wore the leggings a few times and anything above 50 degrees was almost too warm, but I was toasty and comfortable on the 38 degree morning while my playing partners shivered uncontrollably.

If I had to find a single fault with the Ultimate line, and those who have read my reviews know I always find a fault somewhere, I would say the crew neck Ultimate base layer makes little, if any sense to me. If the weather is cold enough that I need the warmth of the Zerofit Ultimate, I do not want my neck and upper chest exposed. But I openly admit, I’m nitpicking with that one – the Ultimate line delivers the warmth needed for the Mid-Atlantic winters and lives up to its name.
I also received the Zerofit Heat Rub Move base layer. Designed for a looser, not as toasty fit, this is a great base layer for those cool fall days that require an additional layer. For those of you in the sun belt, the Zerofit Move may be all that you need to keep warm all winter and it’s certainly suitable for its intended purpose. And should that cool weather turn out to be a little warmer than anticipated on any given day, the Move is moisture wicking and will keep you comfortable.

In sum, the Zerofit brand may be new to the US market and may require a little leap of faith because you probably cannot find it in stores, but those who are willing to take the leap will certainly find high performing clothing for cold, cold mornings.
The Details
Available: Now from their website, you can learn more about Zerofit at
Price: Heatrub Ultimate, Crew and Leggings – $80, Heat Rub Move – $70
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