Cold As Ice! There’s a Zerofit Baselayer For That!

Lots of us are still experiencing icy cold conditions across the US, but thankfully Zerofit has the answer with the Heatrub Ultimate Baselayer, Leggings and Socks which have been designed to deliver top-to-toe warmth in temperatures as low as 14° Fahrenheit.
Developed in Japan, the Zerofit Heatrub Ultimate Baselayer (From $90) has been independently tested for Heat Retention Levels at the Boken Institute in Osaka, scoring a rating of 0.78; a standard baselayer would have a rating of 0.1-0.14, while a sweater would typically have a rating of around 0.3.
The magic warmth is created by ‘Heat Threads’ inside the garment. These are activated through even the slightest of movements, gently brushing against the skin to generate warmth instantly.
Unlike most other baselayers, the Ultimate does not work on the basis of ‘compression for heat’ – so not only does it provide greater warmth, but users also don’t feel restricted by an inability to move freely.
Not only is the Ultimate the ideal choice for fishermen, skiers, sailors, gardeners and hikers, we’ve also launched it into the motorcycling market, changing the game for bikers up and down the country who want to be warm on two wheels this winter.
They’re also absolutely wonderful for those of us who work outside or know someone who does, whether that be in construction, farming, offshore or in commercial fishing.
The Ultimate has been designed to work best in a temperature range of 14° Fahrenheit thru 50° Fahrenheit and the Heatrub Ultimate Leggings ($90) and Heatrub Ultimate Socks ($29) are made from the same ground-breaking material and work in exactly the same way.
But don’t just take our word for how good the Ultimate Collection is - you can checkout our Trustpilot page to see what people have been saying. Here’s just a couple recent reviews.
And while Americans are enjoying the delightful warmth offered by the Heatrub Ultimate, the Brits across the Pond have also discovered just how beneficial the products are. Perfect for their dreadful weather!
Whatever you’re doing outside, the Heatrub Ultimate Collection of Baselayer, Leggings and Socks is perfect for you this cold season.
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